Why join the NHAIMH?
- Support awareness of the importance of infant and early childhood mental health in our community
- Benefit from excellent professional development opportunities and conference discounts
- Gain professional recognition
- Network with similarly interested colleagues from a wide range of professional disciplines
- Increase your knowledge and skills
- Be part of a strong and clear voice that speaks on behalf of NH’s young children and their families
Referred by a current member?
Give us their name on the online membership application below or complete the fillable NHAIMH Membership Brochure.pdf and mail it to NHAIMH PO Box 1421, Concord, NH 03301-1421.
Individual: $55
Student: $35
Agency Group Rate: $45 pp
(Requires a minimum of four people; copy individual form for each person.)
NHAIMH Advocate: $150
NHAIMH Champion: $500
¨ Individual, group, or student membership
¨ Advocate membership*
¨ Champion membership*
*Advocate and Champion level members receive special recognition on promotional
materials and the website
- Free CEUs
- Networking opportunities
- Access to the membership area of the NHAIMH web site
- Listing in the membership directory
- Professional development opportunities, resources, and tools
- Participation in shaping the direction of NHAIMH by volunteering on a committe